Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tears and Rain

About Memories Of Your Ex

Standing here, rain streaming down my face,
what did I do?
Where did it all go?
Nothing left to cry Nothing left to feel
so where do I go?
who do I see what do I do you tell me.
Cant you see what’s happening to me, you don't understand, now I’m laying on the ground
in the middle of the street tears running down my face.
What is happening to me? Everything seemed so simple
now’s so confusing like I cant think straight
Memories in my head of what we use to be,
Walking home in the rain doesn't seem so bad if you have someone there
holding your hand. Car comes by
washes my face, the memories fade like the rain going down the drain!

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'-'bOut mEh'-'

kind person,understanding, sweet, good friend, don't take advantage of others, honest, friendly, cheerful, i like to sing, i like math, i love my friends, i love my family,im serious when the topic is all about love..That's it^_^