Thursday, August 30, 2007

I miss my friends

Sixth Meeting

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:
a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

-I submit a quality requirement and I feel happy for that. I learned from that experience that excellence which results for striving to do better is being achieved by doing the very best that you can.

Fourth Meeting

"Do unto others what you want others to do unto you." How would you like to be treated by others when you commit mistakes, voice out opinions or suggestions, and when you don't like to do what they re asking you to do?
-I feel happy about the positive characteristics and qualities that they wrote for me. For me, it's ok if they notice my mistakes. Not all persons are perfect. Everyone can commit mistakes.

Common Personal Values

1.Accomplishment, Sucess
3.Cleanliness, orderliness
9.Respect for others

Third Meeting

3. What are the two values tht you practiced for two days? How did it go? Describe your experience during the Freshman Night or describe a significant classroom experience.
-hard work
On our drawing class, i used to work hard on that particular topic. After that, my teacher praise me for doing a excellent job on drawing.
On that same time, when I'm making my drawing for our drawing class on our house. I used to discipline myself not to touch my cellphone in order to finish my work and discipline not to used the computer. And so, on the next day. When our professor sees my work. He praise me for my work.

Freshmen Night
Last June 30,2007, Malayan Colleges Laguna welcomed and celebrated its 854 pioneer batch of Engineering, Information Technology, and Accountancy. The concert starts at 5:00 pm. Mapua Concert Singers, Callalily, Mom's Cake and Chicosci had performed and we enjoy the show.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

When I fall in Love

When I fall in love,
I want to be
with her

In happiness,
to smile with her,
and be the one
to hug her near.

In sadness,
to cry with her,
and be the one
to dry her tears.

When I fall in love,
I will spend my
every waking
and sleeping

with her
and catch each
moment in its

When I fall in love,
I will miss her

the very moment
I say 'goodbye'
and my heart
will yearn for

the very moment
I say ?hello'.
When I fall in love,
all my old hurts

and pains
will seemlost and
and I will be

strong andbrave
When I fall in love,

I want you
to be happy
always, ever
and feel like

the happiest
of the
mall . . .

Because that's
what I will feel,
when I fall in love,
with you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Rose

Beauty in many ways,
Kindly many days.

A representation of love,
That is sent from above.

Shimmering red rays,
Sparkling raindrops laze,

Showering feelings of love,
Broken off with a gentle shove.

Alone on the ground,
In the dirt and drowned.

Will its beauty ever shine?
Will there be more smiles of mine?

Its return is bound,
Again love is found.

Ever-growing like a vineAttracting glow in its time.

The perfect boy

You can never find the perfect person
I've been down that road before,

Hoping and waiting for that boy
To sweep me from the floor

And when he walks pass you,
your heart jumps

It feels like its hit the floor
And when he touches you it's like an angels touch

You've never felt before
His kisses are nice,

his hugs are great,
and he makes you smile a lot

You look at him, smile and think,
oh lord he is so hot,

His smile is so phenomenal,
his smile you'll now embrace

You wish he could just stay forever,
through you know that's not the case

With love so pure and the boy next door,
the feeling is so sweetyou'll never want to leave him,

he makes you feel complete.
He was the one who helped you through the worst times in your life

And somehow you knew that he was the one,
the true love of your life.

You can never find the perfect person
I've been down that road before,

Hoping and waiting for that boy
To sweep me from the floor

And when he walks pass you,
your heart jumps

It feels like its hit the floor
And when he touches you it's like an angels touch

You've never felt before
His kisses are nice,

his hugs are great,
and he makes you smile a lot

You look at him,
smile and think,

oh lord he is so hot,
His smile is so phenomenal,

his smile you'll now embrace
You wish he could just stay forever,

through you know that's not the case
With love so pure and the boy next door,

the feeling is so sweet
you'll never want to leave him,

he makes you feel complete.
He was the one who helped you through the worst times in your life

And somehow you knew that he was the one,
the true love of your life.


I thought you felt the same way.
When we held each other

I prayed you would stay.
I loved the way you looked at me.

I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
I thought you loved me undesirably.

Didn't you know you were my everything.
You were all I thought about.

In my mind there was no doubt.
Now I see your not in love.

It wasn't something from above.
You're with her now and you're happy.

I'm the one who's mopey and sappy.
That's ok though because if I had to pick the one to suffer

I'm glad it was me.
I love you more than ever.

My love for you will never go away.
But to tell you that I would never say.

It's so hard to let you go.
But it's now time to move on slow.

So this is my goodbye.
My darling, my love, my only one.

For this is the last time I will cry.

You don't see me

I see you staring at me,
but you never truly see,

why I love you, oh, so much,
when you're so out of touch.

Feelings that we could have shared,
you flung behind without a care.

It seems so hard to let you go,
and the process is so slow.

I don't know whether I should stay,
and waste another day away.

I do know, though, that all this pain,
will soon drive me insane.

You don't feel me loving you,
and you just can't seem to get a clue.

You don't see me cry inside,
and in you I know I can't confide.

Yet still I find that you are blind,
to things meant to be kind.

You know nothing of my fears,
and are unaware of all my tears.

I know I really can't deny,
things I feel as I look you in the eye.

So who will help me make it though?
Who will tell me what to do?

How come every time I see your face,
for me there's never any space?

Maybe someday you'll see me differently,
so until then, I'll be waiting silently.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tears and Rain

About Memories Of Your Ex

Standing here, rain streaming down my face,
what did I do?
Where did it all go?
Nothing left to cry Nothing left to feel
so where do I go?
who do I see what do I do you tell me.
Cant you see what’s happening to me, you don't understand, now I’m laying on the ground
in the middle of the street tears running down my face.
What is happening to me? Everything seemed so simple
now’s so confusing like I cant think straight
Memories in my head of what we use to be,
Walking home in the rain doesn't seem so bad if you have someone there
holding your hand. Car comes by
washes my face, the memories fade like the rain going down the drain!

A Silly Little Wish

I looked up.
I saw a shooting star,
I saw a shooting star in the dark sky.
I made a wish,
I made a wish to be with you.

I looked down.
I saw a penny,
I saw a penny on the gravel.
I made a wish,
I made a wish to be with you.

I looked to the right.
I saw birthday candles,
I saw birthday candles on a lavender cake.
I made a wish,
I made a wish to be with you.

I looked to the left.
I saw a dandelion,
I saw a dandelion on the lawn.
I made a wish,
I made a wish to be with you.

I look straight ahead.
I see you,
I see you right here in front of me.
I made a wish,
I made a wish and it came true.

Never Again

He's walking away from me.
His back is tense, and I know he's angry with me.
I suppose he's got a right to be angry.
He's looking back at me now with that look in his eyes.
The look that says I've disappointed him again.
I know I'm a coward for not even trying.
He's been waiting twenty years,
and I can't even try.

He's getting in his truck,
Heading back to that empty place he calls home.
Soon I'll have to go back to my own empty life,
and wait for the next time we can see each other again.
It's not so different from what we've done for the last two decades.
Except, I have this awful feeling that something's going to happen.
This feeling is so over powering,
making it hard to breathe.

Every second takes him
further and further away from me.
I want to go after him.
I want to beg him to stay
and never leave my side.
Why couldn't I just tell him what he wanted to hear?
Why couldn't I just tell him I love him?

Instead, I say nothing.
I do nothing.
I just stand and watch him disappear,
not having the courage to call him back.

A tear runs down my cheek.
Somehow, I know,
deep in my soul,
I will never
See him again.

Second Meeting

1. How did you adjust to college life?What were the adjustments you have to make?
Little by little. One by one. Even though it's hard but I'm trying to adjust myself. I used to lessen my time for texting, surfing the internet, social involvement(like hanging out with friends till late at night) and also on my emotions. I used to give more time for my studies because engineering is a serious matter. I must focus on my studies. I need to study harder in order to pass all the courses and in order to make my parents happy.

Monday, July 30, 2007

First Meeting

1. How does Values Education work to your advantage?
-to discover our strength and weaknesses in life
-to respect people
-to socialize with other people
-to gain more self- confidence
-to be a professional
2. Describe your first few experiences at MCL.
Everything was still new to me, the school, the teachers especially my classmates. At first, I feel shy because I don't have any friends their except for my former classmates in high school but unfortunately they have the different program that's why our schedules don't match. Aside from it, everything went fine.

One girl and one boy

One girl and one boy
never thought this would happen to them
never thought they would meet
never thought it would feel like it did

when that first kiss hit their lips
when that first caress of each others hands meet
when that first night came with them together
when that first magical moment happened

they never thought it would be like this
they never thought it would become this real
they never thought it would be a lifelong dream
they never thought it would become a distant memory

as love hit their hearts
as love hit their sole
as love hit their bodies
as love hit their memories

one girl and one boy were lost in love
and nothing can change the way they feel
as they both know
that one boy and one girl can become one.

A boy, a girl, bestfriends?

Have you ever heard them say,
It's easier to turn friendship into love,
Than it is to turn love into friendship..
Well it's true

I learned that after i fell in love with you.
We were friends at first
And I was okay with that
But then the feelings were stronger
And I said they were a mistake

They also say that a girl and a guy can be just friends
But at one point they will fall in love
Maybe too soon, maybe temporarily,
Maybe at the wrong time, maybe forever

I learned that too.
Turns out now you liked me
When I said the feelings were a mistake
And look at me now

I have fallen apart
And every conversation we have just makes it harder
I look at you, and know how you feel about her
And it makes me feel even worse

They have also said
That when you like him, he knows
And he will drive you crazy
Only because he knows he can.

And you drive me as insane as i can get
And it drives me more insane when you talk about her
You don't know it bothers me
But boy oh boy does it hurt.

She's my friend,
And I know how she feels about you
So take all the things that make it hard
And then multiply it by a hundred.

That's how much harder it is.
We talk, and talk
I try and like someone new
But you tell me he's all wrong

I know you're just my best friend
But when you tell me to look
Look right into your bright blue eyes
I can't help but smile, and you can't either

We have laughed
I have had your shoulder to cry on
We have run around like idiots
I have never regreted meeting you

You are always going to be there
And I will always know I have you,
But the thing is she is always going to have you more
And that's always going to hurt me
More than you will ever even know.

Mr Rainbow

My Rainbow is unusual
And unique from end to end.
Her colors aren't really colors at all
But wondrous traits she spreads and lends.

My rainbow is unusual
Despite that end no one will ever find.
Her riches are not a pot of gold
But rather a wealth of every kind.

My rainbow is unusual
Because she needs no tears just to come.
She's always there no matter what
And always there for everyone.

My rainbow is unusual
Not like anything that could come or go.
Sierra is what she calls herself
But I'll always call her "Rainbow".

The feeling I hate the most

The feeling I hate the most
Is when I cant tell you what I feel
I love you baby, but it wont come out
No matter how hard I try.
The feeling I hate the most
Is when I hear you say goodbye
In my nightmares when you walk away,
The feeling I hate the most
Is when I think that you wont stay
When I realize Im not good enough
To keep you
The feeling I hate the most
Is when I know that you would be better off with someone else,
Because I cant give you everything
But baby I sure do try
The only thing that gets rid of
The feelings I hate the most
Is the deep, thriving and ever true love
That I have for you

But I still love you

So when I woke up,
I felt it too.
A deep, sensless need for you.
As I lay to rest,
I can't get you out of my head.

What did I do to lose you,
What does she have,
What did she say,
Why don't you love me?

Away, across the distant land,
Of the small town we live in.
A sad, helpless cry,
No wonder why,
That girl still has him
In her trapt.

Alast, he'll wake up again,
Realize what he could've had.

I'll take you back
take you back
Upsetting emotions
emotions emotions
Upsetting emotions
emotions emotions

Take your time,
You'll soon be mine.
Take a breath,
It really won't last.

I woke up again with
The same depressed
I lost sight of my dreams,
And got devotions
To you.

I hope you find me,
I hope you keep me,
Away from everybody's glare.

I hope you need me,
I hope you want me,
I hope you love me still.

Because I still love you.

You mean so much

You mean so much to me
More than I could ever say
And even if you don't believe me
I mean it in every way

Whenever were together
Nothing can go wrong
And I'm starting to think
That with you is where I belong

Whenever we are together
I thank God that I'm alive
With you by my side
I think I can survive

You take away my sadness
You take away my pain
This feeling when I'm with you
Is nothing I can explain

I wish that I could be with you
All throughout each day
Therefore the smile on my face
Would never have to go away

I know you understand
That I'm in a constant fight
And your one main reason
Why my life is worth the fight

You've always been there for me
No matter what I've gone through
So I just want to take this time to say
Thank you and I love you!

Little things in love

Sometimes a little smile,sometimes a little glare,
is what makes me feel you will always take care,
Sometimes a few words,sometimes a little touch,
is what tells me why do i love you so much.

Sometimes a little silence,sometimes a little kiss,
is what tells me the things i love and dearly miss,
Sometimes a helping hand,sometimes a little tear,
is what assures me,in sadness u will always be near.

Sometime a little walk beside me,when I'm in happiness,
assures me u will walk in front when there is darkness,
Sometimes a little prayer,sometimes a little fight,
is what makes our life beautiful each and every night.

sometimes a little separation,sometimes a little together,
is what assures me our love will last forever.
Sometimes a little fear,sometimes a little lie,
is what tells me u will always love even if i die,

these little things is what brightens up our face,
true love happens only if these things takes place,
in love-these things takes only little time,little heart,

to tell your mine and I'm yours and we we will never depart.

Made in tears

Do you remember some time ago?
I asked if you were perfect but you said no
Did you ever think that:
In my dreams you're the sweetest thing
In my life you are everything
Still you say you're not
So I ask, why is it so hard to let go?

Everyone thinks I'm strong
But tears were falling from my eyes
On the day you left us and said goodbye
Now I know my feelings I should no longer hide
I love you and I want you to stay by my side

Longing to hold you in my arms so tight that I'll never let go
Wishing to be with you forever, I hope now you know
That when I'm around you, it just feels like heaven
You're my angel and your heart is my safe haven

To live a life that's so incomplete
To live a life with nothing dear to keep
Is that how you want me to be?
You know without you I'm so weak
Because you're the only strength that I seek

So please... don't go, I'm being so bold
Just by saying i need your hand to hold
Don't leave me like this
so broken,so torn, so cold

So as I write this
You're somewhere so far away
A place i can only reach
By loving you this way

The poet's heart

No uttered words the poet speaks,
No skies of golden hue,
No tales of unrequited love,
They were lost when I lost you.

No words to caress his lover's heart,
And gone the dreams he swore they'd live,
But alone within the poet dwells,
No uttered words... none left to give.

No music swells within his soul,
Just silence surrounds his heart,
And the solitude engulfs his world,
When the poet and love depart.

And lost the beauty he once could see,
And the glory he saw each day,
Now the poet pens his last farewell,
No more love can he convey.

But what's the poet's soul to do?
To release the love he feels,
For he'll surely die and wither,
If that love he now conceals.

He must hide the hurt and heartache,
Just smile to friends and say,
I'm fine... love doesn't matters,
And deceive them all that way.

For a different face he'll show them,
To barricade his pain,
To hide his shattered spirit,
From the love he ne'er attained.

But the pain within shall kill him,
Not soon but through the years,
For the poet knows his anguish,
When alone he sheds her tears.

And at night when dreams come calling,
With her voice, her smile... her eyes,
A single tear upon his cheek,
Hides the pain his heart belies.

For he loved her soul completely,
Was consumed by beauty's bliss,
Had shared her inner thoughts,
But never shared her kiss.

And when death comes to the poet,
And to heaven his soul ascends,
He'll smile before her beauty,
For eternity never ends.

So will the poet regret the life,
Which stole away the years,
No he'll simply recall the love,
He felt in all her tears.

And when his love has joined him,
And they meet in heaven's bliss,
Their regrets will quickly perish,
As they kiss their first sweet kiss.

And the words will quickly flow again,
From my thoughts, to hand... to book,
I'll not write of God or Heaven,
When upon your face I look.

So the poet's again a poet,
For the words were always there,
I just didn't see much beauty,
When your love I couldn't share.

So their souls will find the love at last,
That in life they could not seek,
And the poet soon finds the words in you...
The words... he could not speak.

I still love you

I still love you
you are still in my heart
i still do miss you
i still want to be with you

but now its to late
i still hear your voice
i can still feel your heart

but i still don't no what
i will do with out you

i love you with all of my heart
i cry every night knowing that we are no more

i will never forget the good times that we had

i love you for ever...
my love for you wil never fade away....

A Goodbye, Forever

Was it something I did?
Was it something I said?
Tell what made you turn away
And ignore the words I say

Did I come on too strong?
Or was I asking too much?
Please explain to me
Why you left me here

Did I push you away?
Or not give you enough?
Make me understand
What was lacking in the end

Is it all my fault?
Do I deserve the pain?
Cause you can't even imagine
All you are putting me through

Going to bed alone again
Knowing I'll be missing you
Yet you don't even care enough
To say 'I miss you too'

I guess I've learned this
The really hard way
My friends always told me
But I didn't want to believe

That goodbye sometimes
Really is
F o r e v e r

A story from the heart

I once heard a story straight from the heart
About a girl and how her world began to fall apart
It all started when she met the boy that made her life complete
Just thinking of him made her heart skip a beat
They were the couple everyone wanted to be
There were no imperfections as either one could see
As the weeks passed they fell more in love and were less aware
Of how often life turns out to be unfair
Until one day she finally gave in
She realized there was no way she could win
She said I'm sorry but i have to let you go
As he reached for her hand she pulled away whispering no
When she turned around a tear slid down her cheek
He just stood there speechless, forgetting how to speak
The next few days were the hardest at home
She truly felt she was all alone
Her mom pushed in her face how she had won
Her dad said "i knew he was just another one"
Her sister said "come on you'll be ok"
And her brother just tried to stay away
At school it was like her friends weren't even there
None of them seemed to really care
Her life had no more color, just black and white
Even getting out of bed turned into a fight
Despite their tries things just weren't like before
Then he decided "i don't wanna try anymore"
At that she tried to cut him out
But the more she ignored him the more her feelings began to shout
When she saw him that day she could no longer just walk by
And before she knew it her mouth opened up and out came "hi"
He looked up and said "so now we're talking?"
She just smiled and join his walking
Everyday they talked a little more
And everyday she began to like him a little less then before
As the months passed by she became more and more aware
About how its ok life's unfair
Because eventually everything becomes your past
But your memories will always last
And with that i hope you see
Not all love is meant to be
But hold on and don't give in
Stand tall, hold up your chin
And believe me when i say
The right one will come one day
He'll open your eyes to things you couldn't ever see
I know this because..this is a story all about me...


'-'bOut mEh'-'

kind person,understanding, sweet, good friend, don't take advantage of others, honest, friendly, cheerful, i like to sing, i like math, i love my friends, i love my family,im serious when the topic is all about love..That's it^_^